With so many cleaning companies out there. It’s hard to know which company you should choose and even harder to find out who is responsible enough to clean your facility properly and also monitor their team.
Signs Of Insufficient Supervision
The first signs that your current company is not supervising their team are usually overlooked because they are so simple.
Have you noticed any of the following on a repeated basis:
Soap and Hand Sanitizer dispensers routinely empty
Paper Towel dispensers routinely empty
Lights in the facility being left on
Alarms or doors being left unsecured
Rolls of trash bags or cleaning chemicals left out
Missing liners in trash cans
Areas or items repeatedly missed
Items not returned to their proper places
Janitor closet in disarray
SDS for their cleaning chemicals are not on-site
If they are missing these simple things...
🤔 What other services is your current cleaning company not performing? 🤔
Exposing your cleaning companies dirty little secrets
The best way to reveal the dirty little secrets of your current cleaning company is to audit their cleaning.
A 72 point cleaning audit is the perfect solution for verifying that you have a trustworthy, reputable, and effective cleaning service.
Request Your Cleaning Audit Today!
72 Point Cleaning Audit Process
Our unique process is guaranteed to provide you with the best cleaning service audit possible.
Find out if your current company is as effective as you’ve thought
Dig deeper into overlooked items that snowball into big messes
See those hidden corners that may be cut
Find their dirty little secrets
Get recommendations for scope of work or contractor change
Holds contractors to your standard
A perfect solution for overworked Office Manager's
Quick and Effective
The Best Part Is There's No Cost To You
We are dedicated to providing the best solutions for businesses and Managers. We want to make your life easier by eliminating the additional stress of unqualified vendors and replace them with the best available to you.